Off-page WordPress SEO.

Off-page SEO is about improving your WordPress site’s ranking using things other than your website.

What is Off-Page SEO for WordPress?

Off-Page SEO for WordPress: Strategies, Importance and Best Practices

SEO can make your website bring in all your business without you having to do too much and making it your marketing focus is the starting point for ultimate success.

Link building robots

The Importance of Link Building in SEO

Internal links are great, outbound links are great, what does this actually do? SEO is full of surprises but do’t let this one fool you.

Why should you bother with off-page SEO for WordPress?

Off-page SEO done right will ultimately boost your domain’s authority and, in turn, should make your content rank higher.

It should be pointed out, however, that off-page SEO should be approached with caution, as it can do more harm than good if it’s not done correctly.

Any spammy (or black-hat) off-page SEO for your site might get you a quick win in the short term, but the search engines will soon discover these techniques and can then penalise your website.

Get help with off-page SEO

How do you do off-page SEO effectively?

There are many things you can do safely with off-page SEO, and these include:

  • Social Media links
  • Forum posts
  • Comments

There are others that need to be approached with more caution, and the main one of these is backlinks.

Too many unnatural looking backlinks can suggest to the search engines that you have either bought them or you are generating them yourself.

If Google (et al) spots this, you can literally drop out of the results overnight.
