Coordinating SEO Across Teams

How to Nail Cross-Team SEO Efforts

Categorised: SEO Consultancy
Posted by Simon Browne. Last updated: October 18, 2024

Coordinating SEO Across Teams: How to Nail Cross-Team SEO Efforts

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) isn’t a one-man band; it’s a team effort. To get your SEO strategy off the ground and keep it flying high, you need all sorts of people involved, from content creators and developers to marketers and product managers. And this is where SEO project management comes into play. It’s all about ensuring everyone’s pulling in the same direction, working together to boost your online presence and stay ahead of the competition.

Let’s examine why working together across teams is crucial for SEO and how to ensure it all comes together seamlessly.

Why You Need Everyone on Board for SEO Success

SEO touches nearly every corner of your business, so it’s not something your SEO specialist can tackle solo. You need to bring together different teams to get things done right:

  • Content Writers for creating high-quality, optimised content.
  • Web developers handle the technical side, such as site speed and structure.
  • UX designers should make sure the website is easy to use and SEO-friendly.
  • Marketing Teams to blend SEO into your broader digital campaigns.
  • PR and Outreach Teams to build those all-important backlinks.

You achieve your SEO goals only when everyone’s singing from the same hymn sheet. If people aren’t talking to each other or aren’t on the same page, you could miss opportunities, delay projects, or even harm your search rankings. That’s where proper SEO project management comes in, keeping everyone in sync and ensuring each team knows their role in the bigger picture.

What Does SEO Project Management Involve?

SEO project management involves planning, coordinating, and overseeing your SEO strategy. It’s not just about ticking off tasks; it’s about ensuring everyone knows why their bit matters and how it fits into the grand plan.

Here’s what a good SEO project manager gets up to:

  • Strategic Alignment: Ensuring all teams understand the overall SEO strategy and how their work contributes to it. This helps avoid confusion and keeps everyone pushing in the same direction.
  • Task Delegation: Delegate tasks based on each team’s strengths. For example, content writers might work on keyword-rich copy while developers fix technical glitches.
  • Timeline Management: involves monitoring the clock and ensuring all tasks happen correctly. This is especially important for big projects like website overhauls or product launches.
  • Monitoring Progress involves checking how things are going, sorting out roadblocks, and ensuring everything’s on schedule. Tools like Asana or Trello are brilliant for this; they help keep everyone in the loop.
  • Regular Communication: Update everyone on progress, KPIs, and any tweaks to the plan. Regular chats or catch-ups ensure everyone’s on the same page and problems get sorted quickly.

The Challenges of Cross-Team SEO Coordination

Working across multiple teams isn’t always plain sailing. Here are some common hurdles you might face:

  • Lack of SEO Know-How: Not everyone’s clued up on SEO, and that’s okay. For example, a writer might not realise how vital headers are for SEO, or a developer might not see how site speed affects rankings. Part of the job is to help bridge these knowledge gaps.
  • Conflicting Priorities: Different teams have their own goals, which might only sometimes match up with SEO priorities. Marketing might focus more on social media or paid ads, while the product team is focused on the latest features. A good project manager helps balance these priorities.
  • Working in Silos: When teams work in isolation, opportunities for collaboration are missed. Maybe the PR team’s working on link-building but hasn’t spoken to the content team about creating link-worthy articles. Project management helps break down these silos.
  • Technical Hiccups: Sometimes, SEO means making technical tweaks that other teams might need to understand fully. This is where clear communication and a bit of patience come in handy.

Top Tips for Smooth Cross-Team SEO Coordination

To make sure everyone’s working together nicely on your SEO efforts, here are some friendly tips:

  1. Set Clear SEO Goals: Make sure everyone knows your goal. Whether boosting organic traffic or climbing the rankings for a set of keywords, clear goals give everyone something to work towards.
  2. Appoint SEO Champions: Pick someone on each team to be your go-to SEO person who can help keep their team on track with the SEO strategy.
  3. Provide a Bit of Training: Not everyone’s an SEO whiz, so offer a few workshops or handy resources. Teach the writers about keyword optimisation or help the developers understand how their work impacts SEO.
  4. Use Collaboration Tools: Organise using Trello, Asana, or These tools are perfect for tracking tasks, deadlines, and progress and ensuring everyone knows what’s happening.
  5. Have Regular Check-ins: Set up regular catch-ups with all teams to discuss progress, tackle challenges, and adjust the strategy as needed. This keeps the momentum going and ensures SEO stays a priority.
  6. Create a Central SEO Roadmap: Having a shared SEO roadmap that outlines each team’s goals, tasks, and timelines helps everyone stay on the same page.

Wrapping It Up

Getting everyone to work together on SEO might seem like a juggling act, but it’s worth the effort. When all your teams are in sync, you’re much more likely to hit those SEO targets and see actual results.

Good SEO project management isn’t just about keeping things organised; it’s about ensuring everyone understands why their role matters and how their work fits into the bigger picture. With clear goals, solid communication, and some coordination, you’ll find that cross-team collaboration leads to better rankings, more organic traffic, and steady business growth. Let’s get everyone working together and watch your SEO efforts shine.

Simon Browne

Simon Browne

Simon is an experienced website strategist and SEO copywriter. For over two decades, he's been helping clients to improve what their website says and how well it ranks. Currently trying to read every single book ever published on SEO Strategy!
