Simple ways to improve your website’s page speed

Page speed isn't just how fast a web page can load but about how quickly it can provide a good user experience.

Categorised: WordPress Technical SEO
Posted by Kelly Dudley. Last updated: August 30, 2023

I feel the need, the need for speed!

And so do search engines and visitors to your website. When it comes to your website’s page speed, just a few seconds can make all the difference in retaining visitors and ranking higher on search engines. Slow-loading websites frustrate users and can lead to high bounce rates. Search engines pick up on this and will rank your site accordingly. But fear not, there are some simple ways to give your website a needed speed boost for better SEO.

Optimise images to lighten the load

Large image files can slow down your website. Before uploading images, make sure that you compress them without compromising quality. Use tools or plugins to optimise images automatically without compromising on quality.

Enable browser caching for faster loading

Browser caching allows parts of your website to be stored in the web browser. When visitors return, the browser doesn’t need to reload everything, speeding up the experience. Enabling browser caching reduces the need for repeated requests to your server.

Simpler designs for fewer HTTP requests

Streamlining your website’s design can lead to faster load times. Each individual element on your webpage requires an HTTP request. The more requests, the slower your site will run. Minimise these requests by simplifying your design, combining multiple CSS and JavaScript files, and using sprites for icons.

Choose the right hosting provider

Opt for a hosting provider that offers high performance, solid infrastructure, and features like caching and content optimisation. A faster hosting environment can significantly improve your website’s page speed.

Try to avoid redirects

Sometimes redirects are unavoidable, but they add extra time to your page load. Aim to minimise or eliminate unnecessary redirects. Update or fix broken links to prevent redirection loops that can inhibit load times.

Keep all the good stuff above the fold

Above the fold refers to the content visible without having to scroll down. Load this essential content first, allowing visitors to start engaging while the rest of the page loads. Users are more likely to stay if they can quickly access the core content they came for.

Choose your plugins wisely

Plugins enhance functionality, but excessive use of them can slow down your website. Regularly review and remove plugins you no longer need or those that significantly impact performance. Choose quality over quantity!

The work is never done

Regularly monitor your website’s speed using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights. Test different optimisations and strategies to find what works best for your site

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Kelly Dudley

Kelly Dudley

Kelly is an SEO content researcher and writer for Searchworthy. She has experience in copywriting across many different verticals and has a degree in Journalism. Kel helps our clients to write good, honest copy.
